Discover TEI-encoded documents from GitHub public repositories.

Last indexed Repository Description Languages Matching files
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC IraPS/​rusdracor_​topic_​modeling Topic Modeling 200 Years of Russian Drama rus 90
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC IraPS/​Tolstoy_​letters_​and_​diaries - - 8811
03 Jul 2020 12:32 UTC irenepisani/​CodificaDiTesti-​-​-​IrenePisani Repository per il corso di Codifica di Testi 2019/2020 ita 3
18 Oct 2020 20:34 UTC IreneVagionakis/​ArchivioMonaci Database of documents from the Ernesto Monaci Archive ita, fra 228
14 Sep 2022 14:53 UTC IreneVagionakis/​CretanInscriptions An EFES EpiDoc collection of inscriptions pertaining to Cretan institutions (VII-I century BC) eng, ita, grc, rus, chu, ara, fra, deu, ell, heb, lat 627
16 Dec 2020 12:59 UTC IreneVagionakis/​EDV Epigraphic Database Vernacular ita, eng, rus, grc, chu, ara, fra, deu, ell, heb, lat 120
23 Oct 2021 01:42 UTC IreneVagionakis/​Fiscus_​bis Fiscus database eng, rus, grc, chu, ara, fra, deu, ell, heb, ita, lat 969
12 Apr 2021 08:48 UTC ireparlanti/​Codifica-​di-​Testi - fra, ita 6
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC irinanadolu/​qa - - 4
15 Sep 2021 08:40 UTC irinanadolu/​sss - - 3
08 Nov 2021 01:35 UTC IRT2021/​Merge-​O-​Bu-​Njem XML and stylesheets to merge O. Bu Njem data, text and translation from Papyri.info into a single EpiDoc file for IRT 2021 fra, eng, deu, ita, spa, lat, ell 462
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC irvingmike/​2015_​Summer_​Classes Code from Summer 2015 classes at Madison College. lat 5
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC isaacroberts/​Phrase_​Sentiment An implementation of the Movie Sentiment Reviews challenge on Kaggle eng 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC isae/​HBoolSearch Bool search engine, written in Haskell within ITMO University's Information Retrieval course - 5
10 Sep 2022 22:49 UTC isasantucci22/​Codificaditesti progettoCodifica fra 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC isaw-​ga-​3024/​isaw-​ga-​3024.​github.​io General class repo that can be accessed via http://isaw-ga-3024.github.io grc, eng, fra, deu, ell, ita, lat, spa, tur 68
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC ISAW-​Library/​exegfol9 ISAW-DH - Week 2 TEI/EpiDoc project - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC isawnyu/​concordia-​epidoc2atom - eng, fra, deu, grc, ell, ita, lat, spa, tur 3
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC isawnyu/​smyrna-​agp Smyrna inscriptions for the Ancient Graffiti Project grc 179
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC isawnyu/​smyrna-​working - grc, eng 177
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC isawnyu/​ucd Materials for user-centered design at ISAW - 1
25 Oct 2021 12:56 UTC ishidayuri361/​TranskribusForJapanese Translation eng, jpn 5
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC ishmalkhalid/​30MinuteFilmFestival - - 1
25 Jun 2021 01:41 UTC ISicily/​epidoc-​viewer Transforms EpiDoc into a conventional set of editorial mark-up, based upon the Leiden conventions in epigraphic studies - 1
21 Mar 2023 20:45 UTC ISicily/​ISicily EpiDoc files for the I.Sicily project eng, ita, grc, lat, heb, phn, xpu, osc, xly, scx, sxc 5431
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC IsisCB/​IsisCBLegacyDigitization - - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC islandora-​deprecated/​islandora_​tei_​editor A javascript based tei editor. BETA - not supported. - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC Islandora-​Labs/​islandora_​tomcat A tomcat loaded with everything Islandora needs. - 3
27 Apr 2023 16:48 UTC ism-​dme/​music-​encoding 美 The Music Encoding Initiative Schema - 7
10 Sep 2022 22:49 UTC ismoilov299/​chat-​edu - - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC ISOF-​ITD/​SOL-​taggning - swe 2
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC issahammoud/​French-​plays-​classification - fra 1029
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC istex/​grobid-​client-​istex ISTEX node.js client for GROBID REST services fra, eng 6
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC istex/​istex-​nerd ISTEX interface for the (N)ERD service eng 2
08 Sep 2020 01:01 UTC istex/​odd-​istex Schéma ODD TEI pour le projet ISTEX fra 1
05 Oct 2020 12:37 UTC istex/​sisyphe Sisyphe is a modulable NodeJS BIG-DATA analyser & transformer fra 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC iStig/​Buddhist_​iPhone TXT类佛经阅读器,涵盖下载 阅读浏览 san, eng, zho 3
27 Feb 2023 07:45 UTC IT-​Solutions04/​project102 - - 2
13 Oct 2022 15:57 UTC itsee-​birmingham/​codex-​bezae Codex Bezae XML transcriptions - 2
31 Jul 2020 16:32 UTC itsee-​birmingham/​codex-​zacynthius-​xml The TEI XML transcriptions of Codex Zacynthius grc, eng 5
15 Apr 2021 01:43 UTC ITUG/​ITUGJF02 - - 3
16 Jul 2021 08:41 UTC ITUG/​TUSCRIPT TUSCRIPT-Kurs 2021 - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC IUBLibTech/​TEIgeneral_​webapp The Java XTF webapp for the TEIgeneral collection, consisting mostly of Struts, JSP and XTF libraries. - 1
03 Jan 2023 13:44 UTC IULATERM-​TRL-​UPF/​ParlaMint_​ES-​CT - cat 39
14 Dec 2020 08:53 UTC iUsmanN/​XMLQueries_​British_​National_​Corpus Various XML Queries on real data from the British National Corpus. - 5
10 Aug 2022 23:45 UTC ivanadob/​aratea-​data - lat, deu, eng 315
21 Mar 2023 11:45 UTC ivanadob/​mondsee The script and library of Mondsee in the Carolingian period lat, deu 57
03 Mar 2021 17:16 UTC ivanadob/​TEI-​msDesc Collection of TEI manuscript descriptions lat, deu 1
08 Jul 2021 12:58 UTC IvanAntiba/​ParlaMint - cat, eng 289
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC ivanhb/​phd All my Ph.D. related data/documents. - 2