Discover TEI-encoded documents from GitHub public repositories.

Last indexed Repository Description Languages Matching files
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC HCMID/​iliad-​paraphrases Iliad 14 in MSS with Byzantine prose paraphrase grc, eng 21
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC HCMID/​ms-​hackathon-​2018 Public web site for Holy Cross Manuscript Hackathon, Feb. 2018 - 2
15 Feb 2021 04:42 UTC HCMID/​plinius Editing MSS of Pliny the Elder - 5
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC HCMID/​projectvalidator Library to validate HCMID editing projects - 18
23 Feb 2021 08:43 UTC HCMID/​validatormodel - grc, eng 7
16 Aug 2022 10:45 UTC hcss-​utils/​pdf-​parse-​example - eng 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC hdcaicyt/​hdcaicyt.​github.​io - lat, fra 1
02 Apr 2023 17:46 UTC hdcaicyt/​Poesia-​Medieval Repositorio de proyectos HD CAICYT Lab/IIBICRIT y Filo:CyT "Reis trobadors: reconstrucción filológico-musicológica de la lírica medieval románica con herramientas digitales" - 83
21 Apr 2022 17:06 UTC hdcaicyt/​Recogito-​TEI - spa 6
03 Jun 2021 06:21 UTC hdcaicyt/​Relacion-​de-​las-​cosas-​sucedidas - spa 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC HeardLibrary/​corpus-​baudelaire An experiment in collaborative TEI text encoding - 165
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC HeardLibrary/​digital-​scholarship Code and documentation for digital scholarship projects - 3
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC HeardLibrary/​workshops Scholarly Communications Workshops - 2
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC HeathcoteA/​olivar-​asselin Corpus d'échanges épistolaires d'Olivar Asselin fra 20
04 May 2022 14:01 UTC heavenchou/​cbwork-​bin cbwork 目錄下的 bin 目錄 eng, zho 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC heavenchou/​xml_​p4 CBETA XML P4 pli, san, eng, zho 4429
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC hectormartinez/​curatedexporter takes a bunch of webanno projects and produces some relatively neatly named curated files - 59
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC hectormartinez/​lexsampleagreement lexical sample agreement calculator - 265
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC HectorRuizSoto/​apariencias - spa, fra 2
03 Apr 2023 19:47 UTC Hedgezi/​knot_​keywords_​repair - eng 5
12 Sep 2022 14:52 UTC hedytech-​unipi/​CodificadiTesti Progetto di Codifica di Testi di Greta Casula e Greta Montera per l'esame di Codifica di Testi del professor Angelo Mario Del Grosso. fra 1
20 Jun 2022 04:03 UTC Hefr-​y/​cnPaper - - 65
07 Apr 2022 16:58 UTC Hefr-​y/​methalV1 - - 42
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC heimirfreyr/​RLSS Corpus of Reykjavík Grammar School Essays (1846-1904) isl 23
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC heinp/​germarxcor German corpus of marxist texts. deu 3797
16 Feb 2023 20:45 UTC Heiss/​skohub-​docker-​vocabs-​correspondence - - 1
12 Nov 2020 20:32 UTC helen189/​Laurence-​Sterne-​and-​Sterneana A Cambridge Digital Library Project fra, eng 113
30 Aug 2021 01:34 UTC HelenaSabel/​DIGA DIGA: digital hyperdiplomatic edition model glg, por 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC HelenaSabel/​FS-​Validator Software to process a feature structure declaration to validate its application eng, glg, por 2
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC HelenaSabel/​linguistic_​variation FIles and other materials regarding linguistic variation and manuscript transmission eng, por, glg 56
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC HelenaSabel/​mapping Mapping projects - 1
23 Aug 2021 16:59 UTC HelenaSabel/​prototype_​hyperdiplomatique - glg, por 6
14 May 2022 19:40 UTC HelenaSabel/​retrotraduction Une édition numérique pour explorer les traductions et rétrotraductions de l’expérience « Épreuves de l’étranger » de Gérard Macé fra, ell, ita, lat, ara, jpn, kor, deu 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC HelenaSabel/​secular_​poets Secular Galician-Portuguese troubadours' biographic data (and its visualization) - 4
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC HelenaSabel/​variatio_​delectat Synoptic edition of the Galician-Portuguese secular lyric eng, por, glg 39
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC helenedartoisTNAH-​M2/​Cours-​M2-​TNAH - fra, lat 41
12 May 2022 22:46 UTC HeleneGoe/​CETEIcean - - 2
28 Nov 2022 10:48 UTC helmadik/​LewisShortLogeion LewisShort from Perseus, edited at Chicago; needs your help! eng, lat 24
23 Jan 2023 09:46 UTC helmadik/​LSJLogeion LSJ as edited for Logeion at Chicago; please report corrections eng, lat, fra 86
29 Sep 2022 09:58 UTC helmadik/​referenceworks - eng, lat, fra 31
12 May 2021 08:47 UTC HelRei80/​X-​Technologie - - 1
13 Sep 2022 11:46 UTC Helsingerunor/​Helsingerunor-​1921 - swe 4
18 Aug 2022 11:42 UTC Henning-​round/​citation_​german_​literature - - 15
02 Nov 2022 10:54 UTC Henning-​round/​Student_​Scientometrics - - 15
16 Sep 2022 07:14 UTC hennyu/​topic-​model-​tei Topic Models in TEI - 4
25 Apr 2023 06:47 UTC henrikfroehling/​roslyn The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs. - 1
20 Feb 2023 10:48 UTC Henze-​Digital/​HWH-​Framework - deu 6
21 Feb 2023 16:54 UTC Henze-​Digital/​HWH-​ODD The ODD specs of Henze-Digital deu, fra 62
07 Feb 2023 23:47 UTC HeresiesProject/​codeSnippets Collection of schemas, stylesheets, and transformation scenarios for the Heresies Project - 1
07 Feb 2023 14:46 UTC HeresiesProject/​issue3 Materials from the Heresies journal, issue #3: "Lesbian Art and Artists" - 3