Discover TEI-encoded documents from GitHub public repositories.

Last indexed Repository Description Languages Matching files
25 Oct 2020 16:49 UTC amelie-​strupp/​p-​seminar - - 6
09 Jul 2020 04:32 UTC ameneses/​hmtbrandeis - grc, eng 16
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC AmerAntiquarian/​Just-​Teach-​One The Just Teach One Project is an effort to make available open access, digital scholarly teaching editions of lesser known early American text. - 11
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC AmerAntiquarian/​Just-​Teach-​One-​Early-​African-​American-​Print - - 3
06 Dec 2022 15:46 UTC AmericanNumismaticSociety/​archival-​xml The TEI, EAD, and MODS XML files the comprise the ANS archives eng 340
13 Aug 2020 16:32 UTC AmericanNumismaticSociety/​tei-​ebooks Repository for TEI markup for the ANS Digital Library eng 204
17 May 2021 20:42 UTC AMGavrilescu/​Esercizi - - 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC amielnicki/​dickinson - - 23
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC amitgayar/​bert_​hr Pdfs are parsed by Grobid java utility using python wrapper and results are fed to the custom trained BERT model for predictions. eng 1
04 May 2021 12:57 UTC Amleth/​iremus-​edition-​guidelines - - 1
03 Sep 2021 12:56 UTC Amleth/​SHERLOCK Social sciences & Humanities corpora Exploration and active Reading with Linked, Open & Contributive Knowledge organisation systems fra 473
05 Sep 2022 09:48 UTC Ammeister/​AP_​ENC Dépôt distant de mon mémoire de master en humanités numériques et computationnelles gmh 1
14 Apr 2022 09:44 UTC Ammeister/​ProjetEchevinsDeStrasbourg Projet de Master gmh 6
11 Sep 2022 18:55 UTC Ammeister/​StrasSB Édition XML-TEI de registres réalisés par la chancellerie du Conseil de Strasbourg. - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC amoblin/​epub-​tools Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/epub-tools - 3
23 Dec 2020 12:59 UTC among/​digitized-​manuscripts Repository for the book Among Digitized Manuscripts by L.W. Cornelis van Lit (Leiden: Brill, 2020) - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC amorrison10/​nobleDeeds - - 4
19 Oct 2021 12:56 UTC AmpersandTarski/​Ampersand Build database applications faster than anyone else, and keep your data pollution free as a bonus. - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC amsichani/​Modern-​Greek-​Correspondence-​Archive Modern Greek Correspondence Archive deu 3
25 Sep 2021 16:57 UTC amw6765/​AMW_​DIGIT400 My work in DIGIT400 - 8
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC anacastrosalgado/​DLPC Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa Contemporânea (DLPC, 2001) por, grc, lat 22
21 Jul 2021 20:38 UTC anaelle-​p/​MWE_​coref Ce repository sert à collecter les travaux faits pour étudier les expressions polylexicales et la coréférence. - 1765
25 Apr 2022 10:46 UTC anahihaedo/​XML-​TEI_​rendu - fra 3
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC anahitsafaryan/​DigitalData - - 1
21 Apr 2022 11:41 UTC AnaisMazoue/​EditionSaintChamont - fra 2
20 Dec 2021 20:40 UTC anaistack/​cefr-​asag-​corpus A corpus of short answers written by learners of English and graded with CEFR levels - 708
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC ananana/​scientific_​authorship_​data - eng 7195
03 Oct 2021 08:39 UTC AnanthulaNikitha/​webanno - dan 2
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC AnantLabs/​dkpro-​tc Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/dkpro-tc - 4
11 Nov 2022 13:28 UTC anasfkhan81/​attestationExample - eng, lat 1
28 Mar 2023 06:49 UTC anasfkhan81/​EncodingDomainLabelsRDF Documentation and examples relating to the representation of domain labels in linked data lexicographic resources por 3
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC anasfkhan81/​LMFEty Fahad Khan and Jack Bowers LMF Etymological Materials eng, ang, lat, deu, enm, fra, nld, ita, frm, mix, srd, por, jpn, urd, spa 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC AnastasiaKabankova/​hw - - 1
17 Feb 2021 12:48 UTC AnastasiyaKudin/​ChekhovDigital_​html_​tei - rus 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC anbrun/​TEIReader - - 4
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC anbrun/​uimarwprojektsampling - - 8
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC ancient-​data/​tftutorials Text-Fabric Tutorials for DH2019 grc, eng 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC ancientlanguage/​xml-​tanach Hebrew bible XML files from http://tanach.us/ heb 46
30 Oct 2022 11:44 UTC AndBible/​LBC1689FIN - - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC andiesilva/​digitalderricke A digital Edition of John Derricke's Image of Irelande. This repository is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA Creative Commons license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode). eng 4
25 Jul 2022 08:53 UTC Andrea-​Di-​Bello/​Bestia-​evt - - 3
27 Jul 2022 04:38 UTC Andrea-​Di-​Bello/​Osmoc - - 14
17 Mar 2022 16:54 UTC Andrea-​Di-​Bello/​Progetto-​Osmoc - - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC Andrea-​Perelli/​Antinori - fra 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC andreadattola/​Uni-​project - ita 6
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC AndreaIantorno/​Cancionero-​digital-​de-​G.​-​Manrique Edición electrónica e interactiva de un fragmento del Cancionero de Gómez Manrique, conservado en la Real Biblioteca de Madrid - 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC AndreaMattei/​CodificaDiTesti10_​06_​19 Progetto di Codifica di Testi - Andrea Mattei - Sandro Bianchi ita 4
23 Nov 2022 18:49 UTC andrearod00/​the_​mask - - 4
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC AndreasMuellerAT/​TKP-​Rechner This Ruby script is a simple calculator for adding, subtracting, multipling and dividing amounts of money notated in "Gulden", "Taler", "Kreuzer" (or any other currancies of the same structure). Which is often found in historical sources. The current version is basesd on trial records of a witchcraft trial in 1656 in Lemgo. - 1
09 Jan 2023 18:49 UTC andreaspataro/​progettoEsameCT - fra 1