Discover TEI-encoded documents from GitHub public repositories.

Last indexed Repository Description Languages Matching files
12 Jun 2022 08:45 UTC GutenbergSource/​68201-​Rossiter-​Indian-​legends TEI source file of Harriet Rossiter: Indian legends from the land of Al-ay-ek-sa eng 1
10 Jul 2022 20:45 UTC GutenbergSource/​68486-​Shevchenko-​The-​Kobzar-​of-​the-​Ukraine TEI source file of Taras Shevchenko (1814–1861): The Kobzar of the Ukraine. eng, ukr 1
10 Sep 2022 15:50 UTC GutenbergSource/​68831-​Storer-​Il-​novellino TEI Source files of Edward Augustine Storer (1880–1944): Il novellino: The Hundred Old Tales. eng, deu, fra, lat, ita 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC GutenbergSource/​6885-​Rizal-​The-​Indolence-​of-​the-​Filipino TEI master file of José Rizal (1861–1896): The Indolence of the Filipino. eng, spa, fra 1
10 Sep 2022 17:04 UTC GutenbergSource/​68893-​Borel-​Lelienstad TEI source file of Henri Jean François Borel (1869–1933): Leliënstad. nld, eng, deu, fra, lat 1
26 Sep 2022 11:48 UTC GutenbergSource/​68949-​Verrill-​The-​boys-​book-​of-​buccaneers TEI source file of Alpheus Hyatt Verrill (1871–1954): The boys’ book of buccaneers. eng 1
23 Oct 2022 19:47 UTC GutenbergSource/​69163-​Borel-​Vlindertje TEI source file of Henri Jean François Borel (1869–1933): Vlindertje: een Haagsche roman. nld, eng, deu, fra, hun 1
28 Nov 2022 08:49 UTC GutenbergSource/​69396-​Schenkman-​Sint-​Nikolaas TEI source file of Jan Schenkman (1806–1863): Sint Nikolaas en zijn Knecht. nld, eng 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC GutenbergSource/​7001-​57431-​Blair-​Robertson-​Philippine-​Islands TEI Master files of Emma Helen Blair (1851–1911), James Alexander Robertson (1873–1939): The Philippine Islands, 1493–1898. eng, deu, fra, spa, ita, lat, por, nld, tgl, heb, ceb, hil, bag, und, grc, msa 52
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC GutenbergSource/​8468-​Bilderdijk-​De-​ondergang-​der-​Eerste-​Wareld TEI master file of Willem Bilderdijk (1756–1831): De ondergang der Eerste Wareld. nld, lat, eng, fra, grc 1
11 Oct 2022 07:16 UTC GVogeler/​cei - - 3
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC GVogeler/​DHd2018 This repository contains the files used to prepare the Book of Abstracts of the DHd 2018 conference - 165
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC GVogeler/​srbas - deu 1
19 May 2022 14:08 UTC gwangxh/​encoding - - 1
10 Oct 2022 18:06 UTC gzc5211/​Person - - 5
18 May 2022 10:47 UTC Habib-​SWE-​BD/​Project-​Work-​Digitisation Digitising Cultural Heritage Material swe 1
14 Mar 2023 02:56 UTC HadleighJae/​portfolio My Website - 1
24 Jul 2022 22:45 UTC haggis78/​brecon-​2 This is the new, running version of the Brecon Project repo. lat 3
25 Feb 2021 08:46 UTC haggis78/​BreconChurch Files for our DH project on Henry VIII's Letter Patent founding Brecon Collegiate Church in Wales. - 2
23 Jul 2022 05:46 UTC haggis78/​manuscripts Forward-facing content created by students and professors in History of the Book lat 2
08 Mar 2021 12:52 UTC haggis78/​Nexus This is the GitHub meeting point for Dr. Campbell's Digital Humanities classes at Pitt-Greensburg. - 53
05 Apr 2023 07:46 UTC haggis78/​parla Files for the NEH-funded Parlamentos project eng 13
22 Mar 2022 13:43 UTC haldarn/​DCHM-​test - - 1
22 Mar 2022 14:39 UTC haldarn/​dchm2 - - 1
30 May 2022 05:08 UTC halex02/​coursEditionNumerique - - 1
03 May 2022 11:43 UTC halleprince/​ailla-​files - eng, zab 4
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC halperta/​programming-​for-​humanists IDHMC digital editions course. - 3
22 Mar 2022 13:43 UTC HanaM288/​DCHM_​example-​ - - 1
10 Nov 2022 14:12 UTC HanaM288/​Letters-​from-​1942-​v2 A series of correspondence between two young adults over several months in 1942. eng 3
05 Apr 2023 13:11 UTC Handrit/​Manuscripts Icelandic Manuscript descriptions using TEI P5 isl, lat, nor, dan, eng, deu, non, swe, nds, ita, dum, nld 8166
12 Nov 2021 04:49 UTC handschriftenportal-​dev/​hsp-​erfassung - deu 2
20 Apr 2023 11:47 UTC handschriftenportal-​dev/​hsp-​messaging - deu 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC hanjunLi/​130_​Project Class project for CS130@UCLA 2018 Winter eng 3
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC Hannah-​Arendt-​Project/​OCR2TEI This tool converts FineReader extended XML output documents into a basic TEI document for further editorial editing. eng, deu, fra, lat, grc 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC HannahFahy27/​Journal ENGL 340 Journal Entries - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC hannamisera/​x_​tech all input from technology second semester digital humanities - 1
14 Dec 2022 08:48 UTC HannaVarilek/​The_​Journalist_​2022 ENGL 478/878 Final Project - 17
25 Sep 2024 17:53 UTC HannaVarilek/​The-​Journalist ENGL-478-878 Digital Archives & Editions Final Project - 9
10 Apr 2023 22:45 UTC Hanslick-​Online/​hsl-​data-​ct - deu 207
06 Apr 2023 05:46 UTC Hanslick-​Online/​hsl-​entities - - 7
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC HanxunH/​EditDistanceSpellingCorrection COMP90049KT Project1 eng 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC haoess/​dingler-​index Experimental presentation website for the DFG project »Digitalisierung des Polytechnischen Journals« - 4
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC haoess/​dta-​tools Tools used in the project "Deutsches Textarchiv" deu 4
15 Jun 2021 17:13 UTC haoess/​hidden-​kosmos Hidden Kosmos — Reconstructing Alexander von Humboldt's »Kosmos-Lectures« deu 10
27 Jun 2022 13:25 UTC haoess/​pitaval2tei Converts plain text files from the „Der neue Pitaval“ to TEI P5 XML deu 1
25 Apr 2023 06:47 UTC Haplois/​roslyn The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs. - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC Harmannz/​Colenso-​Project Nodejs website for working with Colenso documents Checkout the demo : - 1503
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC harshitaggarwal01/​Visual-​Research-​Paper - eng 3
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC hartmast/​klosterfrauen - - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC hartwork/​rnv :tropical_fish: Relax NG Compact Syntax validator by David Tolpin; official upstream maintenance repository - 3