Discover TEI-encoded documents from GitHub public repositories.

Last indexed Repository Description Languages Matching files
26 Apr 2023 14:47 UTC emchateau/​Stylesheets TEI XSL Stylesheets - 4
08 Feb 2023 19:45 UTC emchateau/​test - fra, lat 1
23 Oct 2022 15:55 UTC emchateau/​travaux Travaux et publications eng, fra 13
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC emeglin/​plugin-​jinkau - - 3
14 Apr 2022 09:44 UTC emg/​Tanakh-​typesetting Typesetting the Hebrew Bible – the Tanakh heb 27
27 Feb 2021 12:49 UTC emidrouin/​EDN6101-​ateliers_​et_​travaux Travaux réalisés dans le cadre du cours EDN6101 - Édition critique avec la TEI (hiver 2021) - 4
16 Dec 2022 09:44 UTC emileca/​vortex Repo Git contenant les textes et sources iconographiques balisés en XML TEI servant à la recherche du projet Vortex (Université de Montréal et Université McGill). Automne 2022 - 7
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC emilybolender/​emilybolender.​github.​io A transcription of Causa 4 of Gratian's Decretum (manuscript P) - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC emilyholt/​working-​with-​corpora Course work from Working with Corpora - 1
21 Nov 2021 01:38 UTC EmilyMartin42/​Shakespearean_​Insults - - 6
17 Nov 2022 17:02 UTC Emleii/​Digital-​Archives-​Editions - - 25
06 Dec 2022 07:43 UTC Emleii/​Starkweather_​Drawings - - 2
04 Jan 2021 05:03 UTC Emma-​Bossy/​corpus_​macron_​covid Encodage en TEI des allocutions aux Français sur le covid du président Emmanuel Macron fra 6
08 Jul 2021 20:36 UTC EmmaLbrs/​Library - - 2
11 Jul 2020 20:32 UTC EmmaLbrs/​PLOT Project Legends Of Tours -- M1 MNCP fra 9
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC emmamorlock/​EpiDoc2timeMapper mise en ligne eng, grc, lat, fra, deu, cop 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC emmamorlock/​iglouvre-​addon oXygen add-on for the IGLouvre project fra, eng, grc 3
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC emmamorlock/​iglouvre-​biblio - - 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC emmamorlock/​teiHeader-​demm - deu 5
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC emmanuelidi/​docutils-​mirror Mirror of docutils - 2
20 Dec 2022 14:45 UTC EmmeB97/​Codifica_​Di_​Testi - ita 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC emory-​libraries/​eulcore-​history Full commit history for eulxml, eulfedora, eulexistdb, and eulcommon - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC emory-​libraries/​eulxml Utilities for using XPath to map XML data to Python objects and Django forms - 1
21 Mar 2023 14:46 UTC emt-​project/​emt-​app - - 1
28 Sep 2021 12:56 UTC emt-​project/​emt-​data Daten Repo des FWF-Projektes "Familiensache. Dynastische Handlungsspielräume von Frauen" - 217
09 Feb 2023 17:48 UTC emt-​project/​emt-​entities repo to store baserow dumps - 4
27 Mar 2023 18:49 UTC emt-​project/​emt-​more-​missing-​docs repo to export even more missing documents from transkribus - 18
21 Mar 2023 14:46 UTC emt-​project/​emt-​para-​text repo to write/curate/store metadata - 2
28 Sep 2021 08:40 UTC emt-​project/​emt-​process code repo for some data processing scripts - 1
07 Feb 2023 16:54 UTC emt-​project/​emt-​transkribus-​export Repo for exporting data from Transkribus deu 552
07 Jun 2024 15:49 UTC emtee40/​tiled-​mapeditor - - 1
07 Jun 2024 15:49 UTC Emudofus/​MapEditor Dofus 2 Map Editor based on Tiled - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC emw83/​illustrious-​children - - 5
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC emylonas/​Brown-​letters Proofreading view of JNBrown letters - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC emylonas/​Decameron Decameronweb files - 8
02 Jun 2022 06:55 UTC emylonas/​LIS542-​2022 Class assignments for UW LIS 542 deu, eng, lat 57
05 Apr 2023 04:47 UTC emylonas/​mat-​med - - 136
04 Oct 2021 08:41 UTC emylonas/​mat-​med-​sample - - 2
17 Aug 2021 04:49 UTC emylonas/​matmed testing static pages approach to Mat Med site - 1
06 Aug 2021 04:49 UTC emylonas/​VHLtexts Italian texts encoded in XML and annotated as part of the VHL project in Italian Studies at Brown University ita 9
13 Feb 2022 16:52 UTC emylonas/​xml-​minimal - - 166
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC enbmn2/​durival Projet d'encodage du journal de Durival - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC end-​line/​end-​line reading poetry closely with TEI - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC endredy/​stemmerEval Corpus based evaluation of stemmers, a stemmer eval tool in python and java - 6
03 Sep 2022 17:01 UTC eneavodo/​Codifica_​di_​Testi Progetto di Codifica di Testi, coordinato dal professore Angelo Mario Del Grosso e a cura di Enea Vodo: Prolusioni 3 - manoscritto Ms. fr. 3951/1 di Ferdinand De Saussure; pagine 10-11 (immagini 118-119) fra 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC engl-​478-​project/​Noble-​Deeds - - 7
10 Mar 2023 16:55 UTC enjotel/​alibindu - - 1
20 Jan 2023 11:46 UTC enjotel/​ekbindu - - 64
13 Feb 2022 16:52 UTC enjotel/​hpprov - san 190
06 Mar 2023 07:44 UTC enri-​ca/​dist - - 15