Discover TEI-encoded documents from GitHub public repositories.

Last indexed Repository Description Languages Matching files
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC ajeannette/​tei-​practice A practice area for TEI using CC texts. - 1
07 Mar 2023 09:47 UTC ajenhl/​tacl Tool for performing basic text analysis on the CBETA corpus san, eng, zho, pli 77
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC ajithlal1992/​vitalopensource Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/vitalopensource eng 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC ajmacdonald/​cwrc-​writer-​testing - eng, ita, lat 4
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC ajmacdonald/​gitwriter Automagically created by CWRC eng, ita, lat 18
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC ajmacdonald/​GitWriterTesting Automagically created by CWRC - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC ajstanley/​TEI_​to_​RDF TEI to RDF translation and persistence - 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC ajwalvius/​hello-​world - nld 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC AKhan139/​reis-​glorios - - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC akolly/​Esame-​Cdt Il progetto, sviluppato secondo la normativa TEI P5, è stato prodotto in due modalità: a) Cartoline distinte b) Corpus cartoline ita 6
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC akolly/​EsameCdt Il progetto, sviluppato secondo la normativa TEI P5, è stato prodotto in due modalità: a) Cartoline distinte b) Corpus cartoline ita 3
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC alavrentev/​journauxfrancophones TEI XML source files of Journaux Francophones Project - 65
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC albarranelena/​AsturianNotaries - - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC Albertgolam/​NaturTtSML Esquema de anotación para la síntesis de voz - 4
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC albyx9/​codifica-​di-​testi Repository Codifica di testi, informatica umanistica ita, eng 4
07 Sep 2020 20:32 UTC albyx9/​progetto-​CodificaDiTesti Progetto di Codifica di Testi, professore Angelo Mario Del Grosso, InformaticaUmanistica 2020/2021 ita, eng, fra, deu 3
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC aldobarriente/​multepalctstest A CTS-compliant edition test for the Multepal project eng, spa, quc 1
16 Jul 2021 04:48 UTC aleksandraMISANU/​BibliometrijaGUIParser - eng, fra, deu, spa, ita, pol 4
15 Jul 2021 12:57 UTC AleLalo/​Zang-​Tumb-​Tumb https://alelalo.github.io/Zang-Tumb-Tumb/ ita 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC alepaoroger/​cdt Repository con file per progetto di Codifica di Testi - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC AleSbra/​Carmagnola_​bis Seconda versione dell'edizione digitale de "Il Conte di Carmagnola" di Alessandro Manzoni, con le due redazioni unite in una sola immagine SGV - 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC AleSbra/​Manzoni_​3.​0 Nuova grafica per prototipo Manzoni - 1
13 Jul 2021 17:01 UTC alessandraborghesi/​progetto-​dh-​esame Progetto di DH per l'esame di Digital Humanities e Patrimonio culturale, a.a. 2020-2021 - 1
03 Jul 2022 15:45 UTC alessandracremone/​arte-​universo-​relazioni - ita 1
30 Jun 2022 06:54 UTC alessandracremone/​Arte-​universo-​relazioni - ita 2
12 Sep 2021 12:55 UTC alessandrap234/​CodTesti_​2021 - - 1
16 Jul 2022 22:44 UTC AlessandraScariot/​ProgettoCodificaTaraboriScariot - fra 1
22 Jun 2022 11:45 UTC Alessia438/​Zibaldone_​di_​pensieri.​github.​io - lat, grc 9
16 Jul 2021 04:48 UTC alessio6699/​progettoCodifica - fra, ita 1
30 Jun 2021 12:58 UTC Alex-​bzh/​corpus-​kaamelott Corpus of screenplays from TV show Kaamelott - 433
26 Jan 2022 04:52 UTC Alex5e5/​Esercizi-​e-​progetto-​esame-​Corso-​Codifica-​2020-​2021 Repository corso di Codifica di Testi 2020/2021, Informatica Umanistica, UNIPI. Al suo interno saranno inseriti sia gli esercizi di codifica, sia il progetto finale per l'esame. ita, amh 12
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC Alex9823/​hw - - 1
14 Dec 2022 21:45 UTC alexanderboxer/​voynich-​attack Let's transcribe, analyze, and attempt to decipher the mysterious Voynich Manuscript deu 1
30 Mar 2023 22:45 UTC alexanderm24/​LibCons - eng, lat, ita 5
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC alexandermalfait/​dpc DPC nld 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC Alexandermay/​Latin002 A valid and well-formed epiDoc xml transformed into an interactive web-page. For transcription and translation, each word is a link. lat 2
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC Alexandermay/​TEI Teaches fundamentals of xml and xslt to Medieval Latin students. Includes workbook and presentations. eng, grc 6
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC AlexanderOlleroma/​Dig_​eg_​gaz coursework for digital microhistory - 6
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC AlexanderOrloff/​AlexanderOrloff - - 1
30 Nov 2021 04:42 UTC alexandra-​sanchez/​Encoding - - 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC AlexandraGaskevich/​Programming - - 1
27 Jul 2021 08:40 UTC alexbartz/​TEI_​2021_​annotationBlock Expanding the content model of annotationBlock : specification and examples - 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC alexcaliendo/​dig-​eg-​gaz coursework for IFS 2116 - 6
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC alexdyul/​XML_​DH - rus 20
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC AlexeiTipenko/​Module2Repo This repository contains all the fail logs and notes for the second module. - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC alexfell06/​Overholt-​Diary A repository for the Overholt Diary Project, an analysis of Karl Overholt's diary about the West Overton Mennonite Community located in Scottdale, PA. - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC alexghughes/​Redesign-​Versioning-​Machine-​5-​master-​2 - eng, fra, lat 27
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC alexghughes/​vm5_​test Versioning Machine Testing eng, fra, lat 17
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC AlexisMcQuigge/​Programming-​4-​Humanitsts For Programming 4 Humanists Class - 5
29 Aug 2021 20:36 UTC alexlilia/​igc-​corpus-​reader This is a tool which can be used to index and query a large XML-based text corpus using Elasticsearch. isl, eng 2