Discover TEI-encoded documents from GitHub public repositories.

Last indexed Repository Description Languages Matching files
20 Apr 2023 11:47 UTC dQIOG/​pez-​nachlass-​static - - 1
22 Nov 2022 06:52 UTC dQIOG/​qiogSamples - - 5
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC draalger/​ruby-​concordance - - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC draalger/​wanderer-​project A TEI project for the Old English poem The Wanderer - 3
15 Sep 2022 11:46 UTC dracor-​org/​alsdracor Alsatian Drama Corpus gsw 31
21 May 2022 09:45 UTC dracor-​org/​bashdracor Bashkir Drama Corpus (in TEI-P5) bak 4
23 Feb 2023 22:47 UTC dracor-​org/​caldracor - spa 163
23 Jun 2022 13:57 UTC dracor-​org/​dracor-​oxygen-​framework Framework for the Oxygen XML Editor - 1
13 Aug 2022 05:43 UTC dracor-​org/​dracor-​schema Place for ODD/schema and central CSS for dracor.org files. - 4
20 Apr 2023 11:47 UTC dracor-​org/​dracor-​workshop DraCor Workshop - 1
23 Nov 2022 07:43 UTC dracor-​org/​epdracor English Drama Corpus eng 301
30 Sep 2022 13:37 UTC dracor-​org/​epdracor-​sources Sources for EngDraCor eng 19
01 Nov 2022 18:56 UTC dracor-​org/​ezdrama repository for the development of EzDrama markup and tools for it (parsers, notepad extensions, etc) - 1
05 Jun 2022 13:43 UTC dracor-​org/​fredracor French Drama Corpus fra 2190
30 Mar 2023 19:46 UTC dracor-​org/​gerdracor German Drama Corpus deu 593
30 Dec 2022 22:44 UTC dracor-​org/​gershdracor German Shakespeare Drama Corpus deu 39
19 Dec 2022 22:43 UTC dracor-​org/​greekdracor Ancient Greek plays from Perseus Digital Library lat, eng, ell 41
29 Mar 2021 20:41 UTC dracor-​org/​hdracor Haskell package providing access to the DraCor API. deu 2
21 May 2022 09:45 UTC dracor-​org/​hundracor Hungarian Drama Corpus hun 39
04 Jun 2022 10:43 UTC dracor-​org/​itadracor Italian Drama Corpus ita, lat, fra, spa, eng 140
04 Jun 2022 11:40 UTC dracor-​org/​romdracor Roman drama corpus, adapted from Perseus Digital Library. lat, eng, deu, fra, ita 37
03 Jun 2022 20:43 UTC dracor-​org/​rusdracor Russian Drama Corpus (in TEI-P5) rus 212
29 Mar 2021 20:41 UTC dracor-​org/​shakedracor Folger Shakespeare Library. Shakespeare's Plays from Folger Digital Texts. Transformed for the Dracor pipeline to prepare network analysis. eng, fra, ita, lat, spa 38
04 Jun 2022 13:43 UTC dracor-​org/​spandracor Spanish Drama Corpus derived from BETTE (Biblioteca Electrónica Textual del Teatro en Español) spa 26
11 Aug 2022 15:48 UTC dracor-​org/​swedracor Swedish Drama Corpus swe 69
03 Jun 2022 11:39 UTC dracor-​org/​tatdracor Tatar Drama Corpus tat 4
13 Feb 2023 03:48 UTC dracor-​org/​testdracor Sample files to test the DraCor API. rus, deu, eng, fra, ita, lat, spa, swe 5
11 Feb 2023 04:49 UTC dracor-​org/​theatre-​classique XML sources from theatre-classique.fr fra 1559
13 Feb 2023 05:45 UTC dracor-​org/​udracor Ukrainian Drama Corpus (UDraCor) ukr 34
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC Dragomsir/​HW2 - - 2
30 Jan 2021 08:49 UTC dragosprodan/​proiect_​sac - - 18
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC drahtwort/​enc collection of encoded texts deu, eng 21
21 Sep 2021 08:40 UTC dramacode/​bibdramatique Bibliothèque dramatique, CELLF, Université Paris-Sorbonne fra 122
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC dramacode/​Boileau-​Nicolas - - 2
10 May 2021 17:20 UTC dramacode/​boissy - fra 35
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC dramacode/​divers Curiosités de théâtre plus ou moins classique fra 3
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC dramacode/​dramacode.​github.​io Exposition des formats détachables, wiki commun fra 901
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC dramacode/​moliere Le théâtre de Molière en XML/TEI, édition LABEX OBVIL fra 37
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC dramacode/​tc-​matic Espace d'échange pour les transformations TC fra 17
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC dramacode/​tcp5 Théâtre Classique en balises TEIP5 régulières et corrigées fra 815
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC dramacode/​theatre-​classique Paul Fièvre, XML original du site Théâtre Classique, pour + TEI correct, voir repo tcp5 fra 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC drbarnz/​colenso SWEN303 Assignment for Colenso Project - 1503
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC drdhaval2785/​siddhantakaumudi siddhAntakaumudI .txt, .xml, .html, .epub files - Periodically updated and corrected. san 1
17 May 2021 08:48 UTC drevicko/​MeandreComponentFoundry Components for Meandre, a data-driven workflow tool by SEASR eng 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC drobertadams/​Prokope-​Server Server for the Prokope project. - 1
25 Oct 2021 12:56 UTC drshyamsundaram/​nlp NLP related resources - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC ds-​modules/​MEDST-​250 Text Analysis for Graduate Medievalists lat, fra, deu 162
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC dshaporenko/​homework - - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC dsldk/​brandes_​xml - dan, deu, fra, eng 23
28 Dec 2022 10:45 UTC dsldk/​diplomatarium-​danicum Data sources for Diplomatarium Danicum lat, gmh, xda, eng, deu, nld, xno, fra, gml, nil, gda, sme, dan, reg, swe, dum 7474