Discover TEI-encoded documents from GitHub public repositories.

Last indexed Repository Description Languages Matching files
17 Aug 2021 04:49 UTC Digital-​Dostoevsky/​Dostoevschema ODD schema for our corpus - 2
23 Apr 2021 08:50 UTC Digital-​History-​Berlin/​digital-​methods-​in-​practice This repository includes research data and code from the paper Torsten Hiltmann, Jan Keupp, Melanie Althage, Philipp Schneider: Digital Methods in Practice. The Epistemological Implications of Applying Text Re-Use Analysis to the Bloody Accounts of the Conquest of Jerusalem (1099), in: Geschichte und Gesellschaft 47, 2021, S. 1-36. lat 148
05 Aug 2022 19:42 UTC Digital-​Humanities-​Quarterly/​biblio - eng, lat, ita, fra 9
03 Feb 2023 21:45 UTC Digital-​Humanities-​Quarterly/​dhq-​journal - eng, fra, lat, ita, spa, por, deu 1356
06 Jul 2022 22:44 UTC Digital-​Methods-​Sydney/​ws-​201812 DH Downunder 2018: Topic Modelling in R fra 1
23 Mar 2023 02:53 UTC Digital-​Text-​Project/​Shakespeare - eng 3
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC digital-​underground/​ssf_​labs - fra 5
01 Apr 2022 04:53 UTC digitalArtHistory/​digitalArtHistory.​github.​io - fra, deu, eng 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC DigitalAustinPapers/​AustinTranscripts Transcripts to populate the Digital Austin Papers - 2189
04 Oct 2022 07:10 UTC digitalbiblesociety/​lamedh A set of css stylesheets for Bible HTML converted from usx or usfm - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC DigitalGeography/​Dionysius-​Periegetes This is the provisional repository for all the work on Dionysius grc, lat, eng 6
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC DigitalHill/​EpiDoc-​files - grc, lat 45
24 Sep 2021 12:56 UTC digitalhumanists/​corpus-​services - - 1
15 Sep 2021 16:55 UTC digitalhumanists/​funwithvcs - - 1
21 Jan 2022 01:36 UTC DigitalHumanitiesCraft/​Snippets - xml 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC DigitalLatin/​automation Scripts for automating some of the encoding work for LDLT editions. - 5
22 Sep 2022 17:57 UTC DigitalLatin/​caesar-​balex Cynthia Damon's edition of Caesar's Bellum Alexandrinum - 4
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC DigitalLatin/​dll-​damon-​balex Bellum Alexandrinum (ed. C. Damon) - 2
08 Jan 2024 11:47 UTC DigitalLatin/​DLL-​Stylesheets Contains a fork of the TEI Stylesheets for transforming TEI XML into various formats. This fork is a customization for the Digital Latin Library's Library of Digital Latin Texts. eng, lat, ell, srp, isl, cym, dan, lit, fro, heb, sqi, non, slv, ava, fra, deu, spa, ita, kor, zho, x-lap, jpn 90
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC DigitalLatin/​pgls-​data A repository for texts to be used in the DLL's search application. lat, eng, deu, fra, ita, grc, heb 2467
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC DigitalLatin/​vibius Testing a text with an apparatus fontium. - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC DigitalLatin/​viewer HTML Document viewer for DLL editions - 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC DigitalMarmorParium/​EpiDoc EpiDoc XML files of the Marmor Parium deu, grc, lat, fra, eng 4
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC DigitalMitford/​DigMitCS repository of materials for the Digital Mitford Coding School - 52
05 Apr 2023 07:46 UTC DigitalMitford/​DM_​documentation a repo for working on Digital Mitford project documentation and templates explaining project methods and workflow fra 9
02 Oct 2022 13:22 UTC DigitalMitford/​DM_​drama dedicated to processing drama encoding in the Digital Mitford project fra 23
10 Apr 2023 20:47 UTC DigitalMitford/​DM_​Journal_​1819-​1823 repository for development work with Mary Russell Mitford's Journal of 1819-1823 - 2
26 Jul 2022 07:42 UTC DigitalMitford/​DM_​letters A repo for working on issues related to coding the Mitford letters fra 164
09 Jun 2022 02:39 UTC DigitalMitford/​DM_​poetry a repository for developing files in the poetry module of the Digital Mitford project. - 8
27 Dec 2021 20:40 UTC DigitalMitford/​DM_​processing a repo for working on processing for the Digital Mitford project, including schemas, XSLT, XQuery, and other production and analysis efforts fra 1928
18 Aug 2022 11:42 UTC DigitalMitford/​DM_​SiteIndex a repository for development of our prosopography "site index" file - 28
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC DigitalRicoeur/​ricoeur-​tei-​utils MIRROR (publish-only) of Digital Ricoeur TEI library from https://bitbucket.org/digitalricoeur/tei-utils - 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC digitalstorni/​digitalstorni.​github.​io Repository for the digital edition of one of Alfonsina Storni's poetry journals. - 2
06 Aug 2022 11:44 UTC DigitalTextProject/​FramesOfAHousewife The repository for our SDE of Nascita e Morte della Massaia - 11
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC digitaltxtlab/​CLEAR Computational LitErAry Repository an open source machine-readable tool and data repository for Scandinavian literature nob, dan 1642
16 Aug 2022 11:41 UTC DigItAnt/​Data - osc 2
03 Jul 2020 12:32 UTC dijest/​DiJeSt - heb, fra, deu, eng, lat 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC DILA-​edu/​Authority-​Databases Buddhist Studies Authority Databases http://authority.dila.edu.tw zho, jpn, san, pli, kor, eng, und, bod, mon, peo, heb, ara, ell, lat, deu, vie, ben, hin, tha, spa, pol, uig 3
28 Jun 2021 08:40 UTC DILA-​edu/​biographies Chinese Buddhist Biographies - 12
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC DILA-​edu/​bza-​xml 別譯雜阿含專案 XML 及說明 zho, pli, eng, san, bod, uig 1504
15 Jun 2022 11:42 UTC DILA-​edu/​word-​segment - - 4830
16 May 2021 08:47 UTC dilettagoglia/​starter-​academic - ita, eng, fra 11
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC dilettagoglia/​Text-​Encoding-​project-​NER Annotation for Named Entity Recognition task. Standard used for encoding: XML TEI P5, XSL stilesheets, XHTML, XMLS, RelaxNG, DTD ita, eng, fra 13
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC dimazest/​fowler.​corpora - - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC diohabara/​lectures for lectures - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC Dion-​M-​Sato/​CETEIceanWorkshop records workshop fra 2
02 Sep 2024 13:52 UTC Dion-​M-​Sato/​fr_​exp_​glossary A Glossary for french academic writing. eng, jpn 1
21 Sep 2022 13:33 UTC dirkroorda/​annotation-​paradigm Save queries as annotations. Demo for the WIVU database of the Hebrew Bible - 98
03 Jun 2022 10:46 UTC DiScholEd/​pipeline-​digital-​scholarly-​editions - - 2
23 Jul 2022 21:44 UTC DiscoveryAnalyticsCenter/​EneRex Public Repository with the code and data from the paper "Lessons from Deep Learning applied to Scholarly Information Extraction: What Works, What Doesn’t, and Future Directions" ( https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:250408178) eng 5