Discover TEI-encoded documents from GitHub public repositories.
Last indexed | Repository | Description | Languages | Matching files |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | Ximenaflores/xim-test | - | - | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | Ximenaflores/Ximena-tei-test | - | eng | 1 |
20 Apr 2023 11:47 UTC | Xitog/tal | Repository of my work in TAL | fra | 13 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | xlhrld/retro-dict | Historical etymological dictionaries | deu, eng | 13 |
20 Jun 2021 04:52 UTC | xmlFlow/docxToTEI | This converter tool transforms semantically annotated MS-word documents (DOCX) into structured TEI XML documents according to the TEI schema customization of the Research Unit “Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Premodern Nepal” at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The tool can be used as a web-based tool and a command-line facility. It is implemented in the PHP programming language. | nep | 16 |
12 May 2021 08:47 UTC | xmlFlow/upload | - | nep | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | XP522038476/tei | - | eng, fra, lat | 13 |
03 May 2021 13:00 UTC | xphanje/progettoCodifica | Progetto Codifica di Testi | ita | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | XQueryInstitute/Course-Materials | Course Materials for the XQuery Institute | eng, fra, ita, lat, spa, ara, syr, deu | 3804 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | XQueryInstitute/shakespeare-search | Sample eXist-db search application | eng, fra, ita, lat, spa | 77 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | xu-yizhou/structured-document | Projet du cours Documents Structurés, travail coopératif avec Chunyang (chunyangJ) | fra | 19 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | xylankant/TraMP | Translatin Memory Project, Translator for English to Portuguese Noun Phrases | por | 1 |
27 Jan 2022 01:39 UTC | y0ge5h/Data_Science_Masters_Program_2021 | - | eng | 1 |
03 May 2021 20:40 UTC | YaboulBanwame-XSLT-Devoir/Devoir-de-XSLT-d-avril-2021 | Le présent référentiel GitHub contient l'ensemble des fichiers résultant de notre devoir de XSLT effectué dans le cadre de nos études de Master en Technologies numériques appliquées à l'histoire, à l'École nationale des Chartes de Paris (France). | ita, fra | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | yaeln/MySite | - | heb | 6 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | YaJulia123/Digital-Humanities | - | - | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | Yakubovich/tanakh | An application to display the text of the Hebrew Bible (Leningrad codex) along with an English translation (1917 JPS) and an audio recording. | - | 39 |
30 Oct 2020 08:32 UTC | YaleDHLab/lab-workshops | Materials for workshops on text mining, machine learning, and data visualization | eng, fra, ita, lat, spa, grc, deu | 17 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | yalemisewAbgaz/TEI-XML-Conversion | This repository contains all the files that are related to the TEI-XML to RDF conversion carried out at Adapt centre. | bar, deu | 7 |
10 Aug 2021 23:06 UTC | yang-zyu/dlc | An archived copy of "Developing Linguistic Corpora: a Guide to Good Practice" | eng | 1 |
11 Aug 2021 12:57 UTC | yang-zyu/DLC | An archived copy of "Developing Linguistic Corpora". | eng | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | yapcheahshen/pncdemo | - | - | 3 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | yardenvaknin/QueenLyricsProjectDH | - | - | 80 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | YardenW91/Testimony-Map | Python code which creates an HTML website from an XML tagged testimony. Website contains a map of all mentioned locations in the testimony. | - | 1 |
25 Apr 2023 06:47 UTC | yarwelp/tiled | A generic tile map editor | - | 1 |
26 Nov 2020 12:39 UTC | yaskevich/parsers | - | rus | 4 |
29 Jan 2023 03:45 UTC | yaushing/Project_BD-1 | Project BD-1 | bul, ces, eng, est, hrv, hun, mkd, pol, ron, rus, sh, slk, slv, srp, ukr | 100 |
23 Jul 2022 23:45 UTC | yazskl/astree | - | - | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | ydirson/serna-free | Continuation of the Free/OpenSource version of the Serna XML editor | - | 5 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | yingliang1/final-project-NER | - | - | 1 |
16 Apr 2021 08:48 UTC | yinshun/yinshun-corpus | Master Yinshun Raw Data | eng, fra, san, pli, bod, x-sa, vie, hin, jpn, pus, dan | 47 |
20 Dec 2024 15:53 UTC | yitzhtal/digital-humanities-course-assignments | - | - | 1 |
09 Sep 2022 09:51 UTC | yleniatorino/progetto_codifica21-22 | - | - | 5 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | ylimem/magazines | Test repository for new digital project | - | 3 |
20 Jul 2021 08:40 UTC | yoannbard/site_redac | test pour le site redac | fra | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | yoonlee95/pdf_extraction_framework_test | - | eng | 12 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | Yoonsen/middelalderlatin | Nettsider for søk i middelalerlatin | nor, lat, non, nbo | 38 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | yorozultd/hun-eng | Project | - | 1 |
28 Feb 2023 03:47 UTC | youngmin30/2023visionpythonpycharm | 2023visionpythonpycharm | kor | 1 |
27 Apr 2023 16:48 UTC | yrammos/music-encoding | 美 The Music Encoding Initiative Schema | - | 10 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | YU-NLPLab/DeepMet | - | eng | 3 |
17 May 2021 13:05 UTC | yuagorshkova/dh_tei | - | - | 1 |
19 Mar 2021 08:47 UTC | yubin-xing-usask/stance_markers | mining the stance markers of citations in research articles | eng | 40 |
26 Apr 2023 14:47 UTC | yufc2002/grobid | A machine learning software for extracting information from scholarly documents | - | 12 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | yuliaipatova/Digital-Humanities | - | - | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | YuriiKot/Translating | - | - | 1 |
29 Jul 2022 09:47 UTC | yusrad/TEI-Enricher-Git-Repo | - | - | 3 |
21 Sep 2021 16:58 UTC | Yuying-Jin/MyFirstRepo | - | - | 1 |
12 Sep 2021 12:55 UTC | Yuying-Jin/textEncoding | - | - | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | yy-gracechen/ | - | grc, lat | 1 |