Discover TEI-encoded documents from GitHub public repositories.

Last indexed Repository Description Languages Matching files
24 Mar 2023 16:53 UTC BeggarsOpera/​test test site for beggars opera gatsby site eng 4
08 Dec 2021 20:40 UTC BeggarsOperaTeam/​Beggars-​Opera-​TEI This is where the team will place the various drafts of The Beggar's Opera TEI markup. eng 17
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC beijingren/​dublin-​store XML store for the digital Siku quanshu project. zho, san, eng, jpn, pli, und, bod, peo, kor, ara, ell, lat, mon, heb 1306
26 May 2022 20:47 UTC bekun0700/​Digitisation_​Kristdala Cultural Heritage Project swe, lat 5
26 May 2022 15:50 UTC bele97/​Frankenstein - eng 1
05 Jul 2022 13:28 UTC bele97/​progetto_​frankenstein Il progetto consiste nel creare dei colleggamenti concettuali tra diversi prodotti intellettuali a partire dal testo di Mary Shelley "Frankenstein". Attraverso la raccolta e la metadazione di file testuali e non, si vuole creare un percorso di lettura interdisciplinare capace di identificare non solo gli elementi essenziali del testo preso in esame ma anche i suoi collegamenti con altre risorse. L'elemento centrale dell'intero progetto è il testo di Mary Shelley "Frankestein" che è stato analizzato con gli opportuni criteri di metadatazione e catalogazione. Il sito permette una lettura facilitata attraverso l'utilizzo di un font particolare, "Easyreading", che consente una comoda lettura anche ad utenti con DSA. All'interno della raccolta dei materiali, attraverso dei box specifici, è possibile elaborare una ricerca avanzata utilizzando alcuni criteri stabiliti. - 2
27 Jul 2022 04:38 UTC bele97/​ScripturamDH Progetto esame DH 2022 - 2
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC belkp/​pulpmags The Pulp Magazines Project is an open-access archive and digital research initiative for the study and preservation of one of the twentieth century's most influential print culture forms: the all-fiction pulpwood magazine. The Project also provides information and resources on publishing history, multiple search and discovery platforms, and an expanding library of high-quality, cover-to-cover digital facsimiles. - 166
17 Sep 2021 20:37 UTC belovsap/​Website - - 1
05 Jul 2021 08:40 UTC bembus/​pico Materials for the digital edition of the "Rime" of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola with EVT 2 - 6
09 Sep 2022 13:30 UTC BenedettaPeccianti/​Progetto_​codifica_​21-​22 - fra 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC benjaminpauley/​RBS2017Pauley Materials for Rare Book School L-100, July 24-28, 2017 eng 4
10 Jun 2021 13:07 UTC benjaminpauley/​RBS2018Pauley Materials for Rare Book School course "Digital Approaches to Bibliography and Book History," 2018 eng 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC benjaminpauley/​RBSDigitalApproaches Scraps of code related to RBS L-100 (Digital Approaches to Bibliography and Book History) and associated biblionerdery eng, fra, cym 2188
26 Mar 2021 08:46 UTC bennigeir/​ASR-​setup-​and-​testing - - 4
21 Jan 2023 16:51 UTC benrox/​aeteilab Répertoire du projet ÆTeiLab - 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC benselme/​wright-​arabic-​grammar An edition of W. Wright's "A Grammar of the Arabic Language" (1896), TEI-encoded arb, heb 1
15 Nov 2022 20:47 UTC bequessel/​BurkhardQ - bod 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC berghaus/​cernlib-​docs The CERN Program Library documentation in latex format - 2
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC berkeleyprosopography/​bps Prosopographic toolkit akk 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC berkeleyprosopography/​TEI4BPSConverter Convert corpus files in BPS-ingestable TEI - 4
28 Jun 2021 20:36 UTC Bess6598/​codifica_​di_​testi Esercizi e progetto finale corso di Codifica di testi, Informatica Umanistica, Università di Pisa, Anno accademico 2020/2021 eng, fra, ita 8
25 Nov 2022 16:57 UTC BetaMasaheft/​Authority-​Files Places, People and Taxonomies for Manuscripts and Works eng, amh, gez, ara, ita 602
28 Oct 2021 08:42 UTC BetaMasaheft/​BetMas Exist-db application of the Beta Masaheft project eng, amh, gez 18
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC BetaMasaheft/​coordinates Records with coordinates from previous gazetteer. Spelling and transcription rules not usable eng, gez 21846
07 Oct 2022 13:39 UTC BetaMasaheft/​corpora Data of the Ethiopian Manuscript Archives project - 12
19 Apr 2021 17:22 UTC BetaMasaheft/​Dillmann Dillmann Lexicon - 2
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC BetaMasaheft/​Documentation Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung - 2
03 Feb 2023 17:45 UTC BetaMasaheft/​guidelines source files of the new encoding guidelines edited in XML gez, tir, eng, amh, rus, lat, ita 224
04 Apr 2023 14:47 UTC BetaMasaheft/​Institutions Institutions where Manuscripts are preserved eng, gez, ita, fra, ara, deu, lat, amh, swe, rus 791
14 Dec 2020 01:33 UTC BetaMasaheft/​makepdf make pdf repo eng, amh, gez 2
05 Apr 2023 10:47 UTC BetaMasaheft/​Manuscripts Manuscripts descriptions eng, gez, amh, ara, tir, lat, ita, ces, deu, fra, heb, cop, grc, rus, syr, spa, hye 16260
17 Mar 2023 07:46 UTC BetaMasaheft/​Narrative Narrative units eng, gez 202
30 Mar 2023 19:46 UTC BetaMasaheft/​Persons Authority files for each person eng, gez, fra, ara, heb, grc, cop, por, ita, rus, amh, deu, tir, lat, syr 13765
11 Feb 2023 04:49 UTC BetaMasaheft/​Places Any place mentioned in the catalogue eng, orm, ara, gez, amh, lat, oro, fra, som, grc, deu, heb, ita, swa, tir, rus, spa, swe, roh, nor 6309
29 Aug 2022 11:46 UTC BetaMasaheft/​Schema TEI schema for project documents - 4
17 Aug 2022 21:47 UTC BetaMasaheft/​Studies Works of interest to Ethiopian and Eritrean studies eng, fra, gez 9
30 Mar 2023 09:47 UTC BetaMasaheft/​Works Ethiopian Literature edited in TEI eng, gez, ara, lat, grc, amh, syr, kat, pal, ita, heb, cop, tir, deu, fra 5022
23 Aug 2022 07:02 UTC Beth-​Mardutho/​hugoye-​data Data repository for Hugoye TEI records. ara, cop, chu, deu, eng, spa, fra, gez, grc, hye, ita, kat, lat, nld, por, rus, sog, syr 649
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC Beth-​Mardutho/​surayt-​app - eng, syr, ara, fra, deu, lat, grc, cop 4
12 Feb 2022 04:45 UTC Beth-​Mardutho/​surayt-​data - tru, ara, cop, chu, deu, eng, spa, fra, gez, grc, hye, ita, kat, lat, nld, por, rus, sog, syr 186
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC bethmuellner/​Mein_​Penatenwinkel A digital edition of Carmen Sylva's "Mein Penatenwinkel" - 2
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC betta1309/​ProgettoCodificaTesti - - 1
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC betterFORM/​zizphusData Data XAR for the ziziphus project eng 2
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC bettylorang/​will-​not-​these-​days TEI XML of "Will not these days be by thy poets sung": Poems of the Anglo-African and National Anti-Slavery Standard, 1863-1864 eng, fra, lat 139
06 Apr 2023 19:45 UTC bfcchanel/​bfc - - 1
25 Apr 2023 23:47 UTC bfirsh/​LaTeXML LaTeXML: a TeX and LaTeX to XML/HTML/ePub/MathML translator. - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC bgaiffe/​Annotations a set of tools dedicated to add annotations into xml files eng, fra 8
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC bgaiffe/​encodeSymbols transform a TEI file so that characters such as emoji are encoded as <c>. - 1
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC bgilroy26/​PoetaQuae Latin text classification lat 1