Discover TEI-encoded documents from GitHub public repositories.
Last indexed | Repository | Description | Languages | Matching files |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | djbpitt/dendrogram | - | chu, bul, eng, srp, oss, rus, ukr, deu, ell, ces, lat, grc | 157 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | jmclawson/DHQ_TM | Digital Humanities Quarterly Topic Modeling | eng, fra, lat, ita | 201 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | jfinkels/hopper | Perseus Hopper | - | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | MartinPaulEve/meTypeset | meTypeset is a tool to convert from Microsoft Word .docx format to NLM/JATS-XML for scholarly/scientific article typesetting. | - | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | DCLP/text-incorporation | working repos for programmatic insertion of texts into xml files | eng, grc | 89 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | Capitains/MyCapytain | Texts API and Textual Resources Utility Library for Python 3 | lat, grc, eng, fas, deu, fra, xno | 53 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | NEU-DSG/tapas-xq | An application dedicated to managing TAPAS's interests inside eXist-db. | eng, ell, lat | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | wsalesky/srophe-eXist-app | eXist code for The Syriac Reference Portal | eng, ara, syr, fra, lat, deu | 3763 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | EAGLE-BPN/Inscriptions-from-Dacia | draft website for inscriptions contributed to EAGLE from UBB Cluj Napoca | ara, eng, fra, deu, grc, ell, heb, ita, lat | 5904 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | DFHG-project/volume_4 | Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (DFHG) | lat, grc | 362 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | scottkleinman/aeme | AEME Development Repo | lat, fra | 121 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | nakamura196/tei | 水滸伝プロジェクト | lat, pol, eng, fra | 128 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | ericleasemorgan/EEBO-TCP-Workset-Browser | A suite of software tools designed to enable "distant reading" processes against the corpus of Early English Books Online (EEBO) | eng, lat, ell, srp, isl, cym, dan, lit, fro, heb, sqi, non, slv, ava, fra, deu, spa, ita, kor, zho | 63 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | MaxEntGirl/wast-master-2018 | - | deu, eng, lat, fra | 1354 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | Josh1994/ColensoWebsite | Colenso website project written in nodeJS | - | 1342 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | ecds/ewwrp | Emory Women Writers Resource Project data files | fra, lat, eng | 363 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | kshawkin/Best-Practices-for-TEI-in-Libraries | Best Practices for TEI in Libraries: A guide for mass digitization, automated workflows, and promotion of interoperability with XML using the TEI | eng | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | telota/lebenswelten-lehndorff | XML/TEI-files from the digital edition "Lebenswelten, Erfahrungsräume und politische Horizonte der ostpreußischen Adelsfamilie Lehndorff vom 18. bis in das 20. Jahrhundert" | - | 1325 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | hmteditors/2018-office3-closed | Team 3 at CHS summer workshop | - | 5 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | RobertoRDT/SanTeobaldo | XML documents for the S. Teobaldo Life edition project. | lat | 6 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | kevinbgunn/TEIC-Stylesheets | - | eng, lat, ell, srp, isl, cym, dan, lit, fro, heb, sqi, non, slv, ava, fra, deu, spa, ita, kor, zho | 63 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | ADHO/dh2018 | Abstracts from the Digital Humanities Conference 2018 in Mexico City | - | 341 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | roji/rosenzweig | - | deu | 18 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | acdh-oeaw/tei-abstracts-app | Web App to publish the Abstracts of TEI-2016 | - | 71 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | aurex-linux/xmlcopyeditor | - | - | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | brakitin-chwy/torahtools | Python library for manipulating the text of the Westminster Codex torah text | heb | 48 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | gelidotris/SWEN303MiniProject | - | - | 1503 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | gabays/grobid | Automatic XML TEI encoding of catalogues using GROBID technologies | - | 119 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | Formulae-Litterae-Chartae/formulae-open | Public-domain texts from the Formulae - Litterae - Chartae Project | deu, lat | 2691 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | dsldk/middelaldertekster | - | gda, lat | 77 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | cltk/latin_text_antique_digiliblt | Antique Latin Corpus from digilibLT | lat | 159 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | demery/csvify_tei | - | eng | 544 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | CDRH/cocoon_mountainmeadows | Mountain Meadows Massacre | - | 305 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | Cimagroup/Towards-a-Philological-Metric-Through-a-TDA-Approach | - | - | 1331 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | jkaupp/DHQ | Repository for IVMOOC 2015: Visualizing the Digital Humanities Project | eng, fra, lat, ita | 195 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | christiancasey/iip-word-lists | Python utility for creating word lists from epidoc files | arc, grc, heb, lat | 8729 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | EarlyModernSongscapes/songscapes | Early Modern Songscapes data (TEI and MEI files) | lat, ita, grc | 117 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | TEIC/TEI-Simple | Legacy Repository: TEI SimplePrint now merged into TEI Repository. Originally TEI Simple aimed to define a new highly-constrained and prescriptive subset of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines suited to the representation of early modern and modern books, a formally-defined set of processing model rules that enable web applications to easily present and analyze the encoded texts, mapping to other ontologies, and processes to describe the encoding status and richness of a TEI digital text. | eng, non | 36 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | croqueGrec09/KarlstadtTicketMachine | This is a test for -whenever I have time- setting up a Jenkins for GentzApp/KtM-deploy | - | 523 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | IntersectAustralia/dc12c | Papyri Data Capture | cop, grc | 7 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | grtjn/xproc-ebook-conv | XProc E-Book Processor | - | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | Alexandermay/TEI | Teaches fundamentals of xml and xslt to Medieval Latin students. Includes workbook and presentations. | eng, grc | 6 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | croqueGrec09/SaracenePeraApp | - | lat, deu | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | Distrotech/xmlcopyeditor | Mirror of git:// | - | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | Chartes-TNAH/geste | Chansons de Geste en Capitains | fro | 21 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | ATNU/poetic-transformations-database | - | - | 11 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | Mmyrmidons/ManfreddsAirport | - | - | 775 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | diamm/diamm-site | The DIAMM Site | - | 113 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | topoi/Telota | - | deu | 297 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | rjperez94/colenso | A web platform which assists the Colenso Project in searching their XML database | ara, eng, fra, deu, grc, ell, heb, ita, lat, phn, ber | 1504 |