Discover TEI-encoded documents from GitHub public repositories.
Last indexed | Repository | Description | Languages | Matching files |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | chchch/dravyasamuddesa | The Dravyasamuddeśa of Bhartṛhari, with the commentary of Helārāja | san | 18 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | MauPalantir/syiao-tei | TEI dictionary and corpus for Syiao Mei | hun | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | MorielV/Digital-Humanities---Ass2 | parsing song lyrics in python. | heb | 7202 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | umd-mith/sg-data | OLD ARCHIVED - Data for the Shelley-Godwin Archive project | eng, und, mul, deu, fra, x-lap | 11 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | tcatapano/tagLibrary | - | eng, rus, fra, spa, ita | 6 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | DARIAH-SI/Kapelski-pub | Kapelski pasijon | slv, lat, deu, eng | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | PolMine/GermaParlTEI | GermaParl: Corpus of Plenary Protocols of the German Bundestag (TEI Format) | - | 1294 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | scta/b1-d3-qun | - | lat | 5 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | Chartes-TNAH/corneille | - | fra | 70 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | cligs/toolbox | Collection of small tools for text processing. | ita, fra | 1215 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | paregorios/IColButler | Inscriptions in Butler Library (Columbia) | lat, grc | 121 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | cltk/lat_text_perseus | Collected Latin files from the Perseus Digital Library | eng, lat, ita, fra, deu, spa | 366 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | AbdullahHamed1/Almuntashiri_Concordancer | - | - | 347 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | dwight911pdx/North-Carolinians-in-the-War | A Repository of World War I Records in TEI | eng, deu, fra, lat, spa, ita | 26 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | scta-texts/dionysiusecclesiastica | - | lat | 7 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | atterebf/galileis_trial | Documents of Galileo Galilei's trial | lat, ita | 10 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | benjaminpauley/RBSDigitalApproaches | Scraps of code related to RBS L-100 (Digital Approaches to Bibliography and Book History) and associated biblionerdery | eng, fra, cym | 2188 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | johnjung/gms | - | lat, grc, syr, ara, ell, chu, hye, gez, amh, heb | 68 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | norkorr/nb_kilder | The National Library's source edition series | - | 8 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | OpenGreekAndLatin/german_trans-dev | Machine-corrected German translations of Greek and Latin works. | deu, grc | 13 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | mikekestemont/anthem | Code for the authorship verification experiment with the Dutch national Anthem (Wilhelmus) | nld | 68 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | CDRH/data_quills | Data Repository for Quills | - | 47 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | HCMID/astronomy | Latin astronomical texts | lat, deu, eng | 14 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | christofs/berardier | Archive for texts by Bérardier de Bataut. | fra | 13 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | OpenBookPublishers/XML-last | - | - | 4 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | michaelgavin/distant-reading-the-body | Supplemental files to Mann and Gavin, "Distant Reading the Seventeenth-Century Body" | eng | 200 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | telpirion/ClassicsReaderWindows | Latin Reader for Windows app source code | eng, lat, fra, deu | 19 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | nlottig94/EmilyDickinson16 | Emily Dickinson Fascicle 16 Project | - | 37 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | joemfb/query-expansion-demo | semantic query expansion demo | - | 42 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | tillgrallert/kanun-i-esasi | TEI XML editions of the Ottoman constitution in Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, English and French | ara | 7 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | JamesWolfe753/Patrologia-Latina-Corrected | - | grc, lat, heb | 4241 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | chozelinek/sacoco | Tutorial "SaCoCo: a recipe for a diachronic study à la CLARIN-D" | deu | 25 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | lfoppiano/grobid-home | Detached grobid-home from kermitt2/grobid | eng, fra, deu, spa, ita, pol | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | claremaier/Final_Project | Working files for the final project | - | 4 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | DH-Eger/OMS | - | hun, lat | 5 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | rccordell/DHSI-HDA | This repository includes all data and exercises for the course "Introduction to Humanities Data Analysis & Visualization in R" at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Victoria, 10-14 June 2019 <>. | lat, ita, fra, mya, spa, deu, heb, por, ara, eng, grc, hbo, hin, san, cym, x-grc, del | 43 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | antoinecourtin/DEFI_2019 | Repo utile pour le cours 3LDF904l - 3LDF906l, Master DEFI, 2019-2020 | fra | 4 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | JohannGillium/modern_english_ed | - | eng, fra, lat, ell, deu, grk, grc, heb, ita, rus, san | 948 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | mlgdominici/TEI-TeX | LuaTeX support for automatic formatting of TEI markup | eng | 3 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | SteveNewman1970/TEIBeggar-sOperaDrafts | - | eng | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | JamesWolfe753/Wright-Catalogue-Syriac-Manuscripts | Wright's Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Library | syr, ara, eng, fra, deu, lat, grc, cop | 16 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | lizrodrigues/mappingmodcity | project materials | - | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | DFHG-project/volume_1 | Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (DFHG) | lat, grc, fra | 22 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | KouassiJP1998/Grobid_TXM_IraMuteQ | Application de préparation de données pour Grobid , TXM et IraMuteQ | eng, fra | 36 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | hmteditors/iliad10-2018 | Comparative work editing 3 MSS of Iliad 10 | - | 10 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | MaximeChallon/Cours_XSLT_M2TNAH | - | lat, fro | 12 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | simondschweitzer/aed-tei | Corpus of Egyptian Texts for the AED - Ancient Egyptian Dictionary | deu, egy, zxx | 55798 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | Capitains/Nautilus | Implementation of a local CTS5 endpoint for MyCapytains | eng, fas, deu, grc, lat, fra | 47 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | jesteve3/dig-eg-gaz | coursework for IFS 2116 | - | 6 |
30 May 2020 05:30 UTC | jeffreysternberg530/compss | Computational Social Science | lat, ita, fra, mya, spa, deu, heb, por, ara, eng, grc, hbo, hin, san, cym, x-grc, del | 43 |