Discover TEI-encoded documents from GitHub public repositories.
Last indexed | Repository | Description | Languages | Matching files |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | cylleneus/digiliblt | Sample DigilibLT mini-corpus | lat | 4 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | GutenbergSource/6748-Kieviet-Fulco-de-minstreel | TEI master file of Cornelis Johannes Kieviet (1858–1931): Fulco de minstreel: een historisch verhaal uit de tijd van Graaf Jan I. | nld | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | etschmidt/Catullus | Carmina Gaii Valerii Catulli | lat, eng | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | roadroot/Projet-Documents-Structur-es | - | - | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | credil/ietf-drafts-sorted | This is a copy of the IETF drafts directory, sorted by author/WG name | - | 5 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | marianiku/omeka-aino | - | sme, deu | 50 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | 2bon/EE.DG | - | - | 7 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | JULIELab/alz | This repository provides the compiled full-text corpus of the Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung (General Literature Gazette) published from 1785 to 1849 | deu | 714 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | credil/ietf-drafts | Internet Drafts, raw directory | - | 6 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | eeditiones/homepage | Code of the homepage | deu, eng | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | simsapa/simsapa-dictionary | Simsapa Dictionary Tool | - | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | kirschbombe/rutgersTEI | - | - | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | cmohge1/lrbs-scholarly-editing | Central repository for the 2018 Digital Scholarly Editing module at the Institute of English Studies | eng | 5 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | MEDEAEditions/RawDataSamples | Collection of example and excerpt of existing real world editions to be used for testing models | - | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | mpese/app | The eXist app for the Manuscript Pamphleteering in Early Stuart England project | eng, lat | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | GutenbergSource/26696-Cats-Spaens-Heydinnetie | TEI master file of Jacob Cats (1577–1660): Spaens Heydinnetie. | nld, eng, deu, fra, lat, grc, spa | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | wting/epub-tools | Automatically exported from | - | 3 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | EAGLE-BPN/eagle-wiki | Wikimedia EAGLE import project | eng, grc, lat, fra, deu, cop | 3 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | lukasd2/Travels-of-Marco-Polo | Travels of Marco Polo – enriched digital version of "The Travels of Marco Polo" (Il Millione) book. Selection of chapters related to Marco's travels in today's China. | ita | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | datazuul/epub-tools | Automatically exported from | - | 3 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | 8Raouf24/Projet-S6 | Repository for our works in the field of web semantic and structured documents | - | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | oeuvres/flaubert | Pour un Flaubert en TEI | fra | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | solirom/dlri-framework-old | - | ron | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | amielnicki/dickinson | - | - | 23 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | jamescummings/SRO-ODD | Stationers' Register Online, TEI Customization ODD files | - | 9 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | perseids-project/thematic-annotation-prototype | Files and Code for the Thematic Annotation Prototype | eng, grc | 5 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | NOVA2019/students | For the student's projects | - | 12 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | ox4n4/DHNintrocritapp | dhn1100 final project critical apparatus encoding | - | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | NEU-DSG-archive/tapas | The TEI Archiving, Publishing, and Access Service (TAPAS) web application | - | 3 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | gedigiupb/urkunden_upb | TEI-Edition der Gründungsurkunden der Jesuitenuniversität Paderborn | - | 7 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | rezokuk/epub-tools | Automatically exported from | - | 3 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | kirschbombe/toganoo | - | - | 9 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | GutenbergSource/30850-Miller-Philippine-Mats | TEI master file of Hugo H. Miller (1883–1944), John F. Minier, U. S. Andes, Theodore Muller, Alice Brezina: Philippine Mats. | eng, deu, spa | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | GutenbergSource/33921-Lyon-Cacao-Culture-in-the-Philippines | TEI master file of William Scrugham Lyon (1852–1916): Cacao Culture in the Philippines. | eng, fra | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | performant-software/juxta-service | Juxta Web Service | - | 3 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | constprt/epub-tools | Automatically exported from | - | 3 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | MoohShadox/Projet_Documents_Structures | Projet de Documents structures ACAD A 2019 | - | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | ArchiveTFMVienna/Rundbriefe | Digitization of the "Rundbriefe des Zentralinstituts für Theaterwissenschaft" | - | 11 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | jgarry98/testvalidation | - | - | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | Early-Modern-OCR/juxta-service | Needed for emop-dashboard. | - | 3 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | zhaofeng-shu33/tech-chores-archive | - | - | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | citationfinder/scholarly_citation_finder | Web Service for Purposeful Finding and Providing Citations of Scholarly Publications | eng | 3 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | BCDH/lexica-latina | - | lat, ell, fra, eng | 7 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | GutenbergSource/49396-Anonymous-Germany-Turkey-and-Armenia | TEI master file of Anonymous: Germany Turkey and Armenia. | eng, deu, fra, tur | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | DannyJKJ/HIST-3814O-Final-Project | Apart from the blog regarding all the strategies, failures, and any recommendations for further research etc., this repository houses all content created for my Final Project in Shawn Graham's HIST-3814O course. Any interested parties are free to read the blog at: | - | 7 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | GutenbergSource/8468-Bilderdijk-De-ondergang-der-Eerste-Wareld | TEI master file of Willem Bilderdijk (1756–1831): De ondergang der Eerste Wareld. | nld, lat, eng, fra, grc | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | cceh/bibr | oXygen framework and XML schemas for creating bibliographic records. Work in progress! | - | 5 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | dramacode/Boileau-Nicolas | - | - | 2 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | GutenbergSource/50457-Al-Maarri-The-Luzumiyat | TEI master file of Abu’l-Ala Al-Maarri (973–1057): The Luzumiyat of Abu’l-Ala. | eng, fra, ara | 1 |
30 May 2020 05:29 UTC | GutenbergSource/42065-Santos-Cristobal-Proceso-del-Dr-Jose-Rizal | TEI master file of Epifanio de los Santos Cristobal (1871–1928): Proceso del Dr. José Rizal Mercado y Alonso. | eng, deu, fra, lat, spa, tgl | 1 |